The #1 Clinical Benefit Of Coconut Oil Even Doctors Can’t Ignore

In clinical practice, results are the only thing that matter. However, without compliance, positive results are nearly impossible. Living in the Information Age with the Internet at our fingertips, anyone can become a topic expert these days. We are all bombarded with too much information -- much of it conflicting.
So when you read an article about the benefits of coconut oil or the benefits of MCTs written by a self-proclaimed health enthusiast, you don’t know what to believe anymore. This information overload makes it harder to decide on new healthy foods to incorporate into your life.
After several years of clinical practice, I began to create and belong to a trusted community in the Functional Nutrition field. This shift wasn't an easy process.
You see, I believe in supplements, but I also believe in whole foods and the benefits of coconut oil. Science, however, often refines and isolates nutrients beyond the whole food stage. There are some downfalls to this:
- Scientists have not identified all active components in foods. So when you replace your whole foods with supplements, you might miss out on many additional unknown nutrients.
- Most nutrients affect the body through interactions with other substances in whole foods, which are not always present in supplements.
- High intake of some nutrients through supplements, like fat-soluble vitamins, can even be harmful to the body. Whole foods, however, provide a balanced profile of nutrients.
These products and supplements have not yielded desirable results for my patients or me. Yet my clinical outcomes began to skyrocket as I researched the benefits of coconut oil and sought out quality product lines I felt good about recommending to my patients. I had to back up the bus, so to speak, and use food-based nutritional products with my patients — and then we saw the results we were hoping to see.
The Connection Between Coconut Oil, Carbon, & Goats
To give you some background on the clinical benefits of coconut oil, we have to start with the benefits of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) contained within the oil. MCTs are 6 to 10 carbon-long compounds with tremendous health benefits.
Studies suggest that MCTs can:
- Help you lose weight by increasing the release of hormones that make you feel full
- Give you a boost of energy by being easily absorbed by the liver without accumulating in the body as fat
- Reduce lactate buildup during exercise and use fat for energy instead of carbs
- Reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing obesity and lowering your cholesterol levels
- Help manage diabetes by controlling your blood sugar levels
The benefits of coconut oil are due to it being the best whole foods source for MCTs. Furthermore, coconut oil contains an abundance of caprylic acid and capric acid. The root of these words is "Capra", meaning "goat". These 6-, 8-, and 10-carbon fatty acids are abundant in goat's milk.
Likewise, 6-, 8-, and 10-carbon fatty acids are the most abundant fatty acids in most MCT oils. They are also found in human breast milk and added to infant formulas. (Source) Why? Because they’re the main components that give MCT oils their benefits, hence contribute to the benefits of coconut oils. They also have antiviral and antibacterial properties that can fight infections and help improve digestive disorders.
Yet, the benefits of MCTs, capric acid, and caprylic acid are not why I recommend coconut oil to my patients.
The #1 Clinical Benefit Of Coconut Oil This Doctor Couldn't Ignore
While the ketogenic community flooded the Internet with the reported benefits of processed MCT oil and its ability to boost ketone production, they overlooked one medium-chain triglyceride, Lauric acid — a 12-carbon fatty acid.
I became intrigued with lauric acid long before becoming fascinated with household uses and the benefits of coconut oil. This oil contains nearly 50% lauric acid, which has long been known for its notable antimicrobial activity. It has even played a vital role in working with my chronically infected patients (especially in a concentrated ester form). (Source) Systemic yeast overgrowth, gut disturbances, and Lyme’s patients have all benefited from the use of this medium-chain saturated fatty acid. Lauric acid has also helped treat viral infections like the flu, cold, and herpes, among numerous other conditions.
It's not necessarily true that one fraction of coconut oil is better than another. Generally, the shorter MCTs found in MCT Oil are the thermogenic, energetic powerhouses. And the longer lauric acid is the systemic "critter-killer" that can help kill harmful viruses and bacteria in the body and give coconut oil its antibacterial benefits.
My driving desire is to keep the medicine I give my patients as close to the food as possible. So I regularly recommend Wildly Organic’s Coconut Oil to my patients so they can experience the benefits of MCTs for themselves. In my opinion, Wildly Organic’s Coconut Oil plays a vital role in creating a healthy home.
How Can You Get The Benefits Of Lauric Acid?
Just start cooking with coconut oil — That's it! Simply exchange your current cooking oil for coconut oil (especially if you're cooking with vegetable oil because when heated, vegetable oil can become toxic, cause inflammation in the body, and even lead to a heart attack!) If you like, add it to your daily smoothie. Or, simply eat it straight from the spoon to get all the benefits of coconut oil.
I encourage my neuro-degenerative patients with multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and dementia to rebuild their brains via a high-fat/low-carb diet. Such a diet can improve their brain vascular function, increase their beneficial gut microbiota, and regulate their blood sugar levels. And coconut oil plays a vital role in that.
Wildly Organic’s Coconut Oil
These days, anyone who dives into the world of natural nutrition has heard about the benefits of coconut oil. Finding a company you can trust to consistently deliver a top-quality coconut oil product that offers all the benefits of MCTs is challenging. Let's face it — grocery store shelves are lined with coconut oil. There's high-dollar stuff out there that's way overpriced. Then there's the generic brand stuff, and you might wonder if that stuff is even real coconut oil.
So, if practically every brick-and-mortar and online store sell coconut oil, how do you know what's truly the BEST? After 12 years of building my health community in clinical practice, consulting with hundreds of other doctors, and taking countless courses and seminars, the bottom line for me is this:
Get to know the company rather than buying from some random third party or distributor so you can get all the benefits of coconut oil.
Why Choose Wildly Organic?
With Wildly Organic — and the other companies where I source both foods and supplements — I've done my research. I went behind the scenes and met the owners. I saw their excitement and connected with them through shared passions.
Wildly Organic has made it easy to choose the right coconut oil for yourself. They use only non-GMO, organically grown coconuts processed without using fertilizers, chemical solvents, or additives. Wildly Organic’s coconut oil goes through meticulous quality-control procedures and is tested and retested for impurities to provide you with the complete benefits of MCTs.
So many other companies have fractionated coconut oil into parts and pieces to produce isolated supplements. Yet, shouldn't we take advantage of Mother Nature's elegant design and use the WHOLE FOOD instead? Only then can we reap the benefits of nourishing coconut oil.
Explore coconut oils and more at Wildly Organic and start eating healthier today.

About the Author
Dr. John Pepelnjak graduated with a Bachelor of Science in chemistry with an emphasis on biochemistry and metabolism before entering Northwestern Health Sciences University to study chiropractic. It was here that functional medicine became his passion and an integral part of his practice. Dr. Pepelnjak has been in private practice for 13 years and has spent countless hours studying and collaborating with leaders in the field of functional medicine.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.