Love Tea (an herbal aphrodisiac blend)

The times when we most want to connect to our spouse or partner seem to be the times when intimacy is hardest to find.
Because our modern lifestyles are busy and harried, we are often depleted physically and emotionally by the day’s end.
And maybe we need a little extra help… Thankfully, sometimes this can be as simple as a cup of tea — an herbal aphrodisiac tea.
4 Herbal Aphrodisiacs
Use this tasty herbal tea to help you relax and potentially increase libido. The herbs in this love tea blend have traditional aphrodisiac use while also being quite tasty. This herbal aphrodisiac blend can be made in a hurry, too — for those unexpected moments of alone time.
#1 — Ginger
This warming spice aids circulation and brings warmth to the blood and all areas of the body. Increased blood flow to the sexual organs leads to increased desire. Fresh ginger isn’t required for this recipe — use dried ginger!
#2 — Hibiscus
Vibrant in color and flavor, these beautiful blooms have long been used as an aphrodisiac. The blossoms open us up to intimate connection.
#3 — Oat Straw
The saying “sow your wild oats” comes from this nourishing herb. Oat straw may increase testosterone which can increase sex drive in both men and women. It also helps reduce stress and calms anxious nerves.
#4 — Vanilla
Exotic and aromatic vanilla has been used by herbalists as a way to increase sexual appetite. It can help us feel relaxed and increase happiness — both of which help create intimacy. Vanilla is said to help release inhibitions, too. Be sure to inhale deeply as you sip your tea to enjoy the aromatherapy benefits as well.
Make It Special
Fix the tea and use the fancy cups. Light a candle. Have a piece of chocolate or 2 ready for each of you. Cozy up on the couch or in bed and use this time to focus on your partner.
Sip your love tea, nibble chocolate, and connect. Make eye contact and relax. Finally, revel in one another’s attention. These moments may or may not lead to something physical, but the time spent connecting, quietly and lovingly, is never wasted.
What’s your favorite way to make special time with your partner? Have you ever used aphrodisiac herbs?
- 1teaspoon dried gingercut pieces
- 1tablespoon dried hibiscus flowers
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla bean pieces
- 1teaspoon dried oat straw
- 2cups boiling water
Combine herbs into a heat proof dish.
Pour boiling water over herbs. Stir gently. Cover. Let steep 15 minutes.
Strain herbs from tea and serve. Sweeten if desired.
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