Coconut Oil For Dry Skin | Wildly Organic Coconut Skincare

Why is Coconut So Good For The Skin?


heart shape drawn into lotion on knee

Dry skin is an affliction that strikes many women and men—in fact, more than you may think. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are several common reasons that people suffer from dry skin:

  • Age: The risk of dry skin only increases with age, with over 50 percent of older adults complaining of the malady.
  • Climate: Those who live in cold and/or low humidity environments are more susceptible to having dry skin.
  • Vocation: Depending on your job, you may find it more difficult to keep your hands soft and moisturized.
  • Hobbies: Some people partake in hobbies that cause dry skin over time. For instance, those who spend a great deal of time in pools that utilize chlorine are far more likely to complain of dry, cracked skin.
  • Dry skin can range from a minor annoyance to a major health issue (like eczema) depending on several factors. The best way to keep it from becoming a problem in the first place is to take a proactive approach towards skin care—and moisturizing in particular. After all, your skin is your body’s largest organ!

    Go down any aisle at your local beauty store and you’ll likely find dozens of remedies for dry, cracked skin. Yet, here at Wildly Organic, we believe the answer is much simpler (and cheaper!) than any of these products offered. We’ve found that one of the best ways you can moisturize is by applying coconut oil for dry skin.

    Doubt the power of coconut for skincare? Here’s four reasons you should add pure, virgin coconut oil to your personal care regimen.

    1. Coconut Oil is a Powerful Moisturizer

    Let’s start with the basics: using coconut oil for your dry skin is incredibly effective at keeping your skin moisturized. Over the past several years, both scientists and the general public have warmed towards the ability of coconut oil to hydrate the skin effectively, all without the perfumes, compounds, and other fillers that you typically find in most skin care products.

    What makes coconut oil such an effective moisturizer? According to one recent study, coconut oil is rich in polyphenols, fatty acids, and antioxidants, which makes it a powerful tool in hydrating the skin. Polyphenols and fatty acids in particular have been pegged as ingredients that can reduce inflammation and redness in the skin. Overall, it’s easy to see why coconut oil for dry skin would be an excellent, holistic choice for keeping your skin healthy and moisturized.

    2. Coconut Oil is Naturally Antibacterial

    cracked open coconut


    When you utilize coconut for skincare, you’ll also benefit from the natural antibacterial and antifungal properties coconut oil has to offer. This is helpful in two significant ways.

  • It can help cleanse the skin: Because virgin coconut oil has antibacterial properties, it is an effective skin cleanser that can help clear out your pores.
  • It can help treat certain skin issues: For instance, It’s been found that coconut oil is an effective treatment for athlete’s foot, a common fungal issue. It packs a powerful double punch. One, using coconut oil for your dry skin helps heal any cracking of the skin on the foot (it’s great for cracking of the heels). Secondly, coconut oil can help with the fungal infection.
  • Take advantage of the antibacterial and antifungal benefits of coconut oil, and we don’t think the results will disappoint you.

    3. Coconut Oil Can Be Effective At Combating Acne

    We feel like it’s important to present the acne-fighting benefits of coconut oil to you with one caveat: coconut oil doesn’t seem to relieve everyone’s acne. There is anecdotal evidence that, for some people, coconut oil can actually make acne slightly worse. However, there are many people who have found coconut oil to be a phenomenal choice for acne-prone skin...and the science seems to back this up.

    Coconut oil is chock-full of linoleic acid. This is one of the ingredients that makes coconut oil so effective for dry skin. However, linoleic acid is also an agent that’s shown to be beneficial at combating acne. In fact, several popular acne creams and washes utilize it in their proprietary blends. We feel that using pure, virgin coconut oil on your acne problem areas (face, chest, back, etc.) can be beneficial in most cases.

    Of course, anyone with acne knows that what works for one person may not work for another, so make sure you monitor your progress carefully to see if coconut for acne skincare is the right choice in your particular case.

    4. Coconut Oil as a Makeup Remover

    bunch of coconuts

    The same dermatologists and experts who recommend coconut oil for dry skin also tout its benefits as a makeup remover. Having an effective makeup remover is important to ensure that you keep your pores clean and healthy.

    How easy is it to use coconut oil as a makeup remover? Simply take a small amount of coconut oil and allow it to melt in your hands. Then, rub it on your face until the makeup begins to melt, paying close attention to the makeup around your eyes. Then, wash your face with warm water and gently pat dry. Voila! You’ve removed your makeup, cleansed your pores, and even used the coconut oil for dry skin protection too. That’s quite a combination!

    Get Your Coconut Oil From Wildly Organic

    Are you convinced that coconut oil should be part of your daily skincare regimen yet? If so, your next decision is this: where do you get your coconut oil from?

    Not all coconut oils are created equal. At Wildly Organic, we’re transparent about the processes we use to bring pure, unadulterated coconut oil directly to our customers. Our raw coconut oil is a favorite for both skin and hair. This virgin coconut oil is unrefined and made from silky coconut cream. We think you’ll see the difference...and we know your skin will feel the difference! And it can run double duty if you need a dash of delicious cooking oil.

    Still have questions about utilizing coconut oil for dry skin? Contact us today at Wildly Organic so we can help!

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