Homemade Almond Joy Bars (Paleo & Gluten-Free)

The idea of reducing sugar in the diet is never easy…
Sugar is quite addictive. The addiction isn’t only physical, it’s psychological, too. We often associate special foods and treats with memories, and that makes it difficult to give up these foods.
That was Almond Joy candy bars for me.
When my husband and I started eating a paleo-type diet years ago, we knew that we would have to give up some favorite foods.
Bread, pasta, rice, and peanut butter were easy to remove from our diet. I don’t think we have EVER missed them, to be honest. Most sugars weren’t even that hard. We hadn’t used regular white sugar in a few years, and coconut sugar is allowed on the paleo diet (as are raw honey and pure maple syrup).
Those darn Almond Joys were my only vice.
The memories of my mother giving me a snack-sized bar as a child were powerful. They remind me of a cozy, cuddly feeling and time alone with my mother. Now that she is gone, I want to hang on to that memory with all that I have.
My health, on the other hand, told me otherwise.
Homemade Almond Joy Bars (Paleo & Gluten-Free)
I just knew I could create something that would give me the happy memory of my mother and my beloved candy bars, yet without the refined sugar.
After several yummy failures, I figured out a delicious concoction that satisfies on all levels. These Paleo Almond Joy Bars are full of flavor and have the same texture as the commercial bars — without the unhealthy refined sugars.
I can have these bars, relish the memory of my mother, and still work on regaining my health through a nourishing diet.
I wish I had had this recipe when she was still here… I bet she would have loved them.
Do you love Almond Joys?
Melt the coconut oil, coconut syrup, cacao powder, and almond butter together over low heat.
Stir constantly to keep from burning. The ingredients do NOT need to be simmering or boiling, just melted together well.
Grease an 8"x8" pan with a bit of coconut oil.
Pour the chocolate mixture into the pan and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Remove the pan and sprinkle the shredded coconut on top of the chocolate.
Place the pan back in the fridge for 1-1/2 hours to harden completely.
Cut the chocolate and coconut into bars.
Place 2 almonds on each bar.
Store in the fridge or freezer to keep cold and solid.
The coconut syrup lends a caramel-y flavor to this recipe, but you can use honey if desired.
The post Homemade Almond Joy Bars (Paleo & Gluten-Free) appeared first on Wildly Organic.