Coconut Milk Powder Uses | Dairy Free | Wildly Organic

5 Benefits and Uses of Coconut Milk Powder

A bag of coconut milk powder and coconut milk in a glass bottle

Uh-oh. Your recipe calls for coconut milk, but you don't have any cans in the pantry. Perhaps just as frustrating are the times when a recipe only calls for a small amount, and you're left with a half-empty can and no clue what to do with the rest. If you're as forgetful as me, I'll often open a can and leave the leftovers sitting in the back of the fridge where they are doomed to be forgotten about and wasted. 

That's why Wildly Organic's Coconut Milk Powder has become a lifesaver! Coconut milk powder’s uses are many. Whether you love to make creamy puddings, dairy-free smoothies, or ice cream, you'll soon wonder why you never thought of adding coconut milk powder to your list of pantry staples! Here are five reasons to add coconut milk powder to your pantry:

1. Better Storage

Coconut milk powder’s uses and benefits include its longer shelf life. Unlike cans, coconut milk powder can be opened, resealed, and stored for months once opened. Just clip the packet and store it in an airtight container. On the other hand, once a can of coconut milk is opened, you'll need to use the remainder within three days or it will spoil. Make your recipe with coconut milk powder instead to reduce food waste.

2. Convenience

As mentioned, it's the pits when you go to make a recipe and don't have any canned coconut milk. While you don't need to ditch canned coconut milk altogether, it's always helpful to have a backup plan! Among the many coconut milk powder uses are its convenience. Simply mix the coconut powder with water according to the package instructions, and you'll have equally creamy coconut milk ready for use!

3. High in Healthy Fats

Raw broken coconuts, coconut flakes, and coconut oil

Wildly Organic's conventional Coconut Milk Powder is 65% coconut oil which is rich in medium-chain fatty acids. These fats are known to promote a healthy metabolism and burn more fat. (Learn more about the benefits of MCTs here!) Furthermore, it's high in lauric acid which has antimicrobial properties among other coconut milk powder uses and benefits.

4. A Dairy-Free Alternative

More and more people are discovering intolerances, sensitivities, and allergies to dairy, particularly milk. As a result, the use of dairy-free milk has skyrocketed. Non-dairy alternatives include almond, soy, oat, and rice milk.

Yet among these, coconut milk has quickly climbed to the top of the list — and for good reason. Coconut milk powder’s uses are plenty. It's readily available, high in good fats, and minimally processed. Best of all, coconut milk powder doesn't contain the preservatives, sweeteners, and synthetic vitamins like other store-bought non-dairy milk. A recipe with Wildly Organic's non-dairy coconut milk powder does not cause allergies and is a healthier alternative to other non-dairy milk. 

5. It Still Tastes Great

Wildly Organic's coconut milk powder is as pure as they come. It contains no nasty thickeners or preservatives. A minute amount of tapioca-derived maltodextrin is used to ensure a lovely texture in our dairy-free offering. Our conventional coconut milk powder contains a small amount of corn-derived maltodextrin. This purity comes through in the taste — so rich and coconutty!

How To Use Coconut Milk Powder?

How can you use coconut powder instead of milk in a recipe? Simply add hot water to the powder and stir! Then, use as you would carton or canned coconut milk. Use less water for thicker milk and more water for thinner milk. Among the many coconut milk powder uses, it also makes the perfect base for sauces, curries, ice cream, smoothies, and shakes. Or, drink the milk powder on its own!

Shop Coconut Milk Powder from Wildly Organic

Coconut milk powder has many benefits and uses. Coconut milk powder recipes taste great and can be a healthier and more cost-effective alternative to using dairy and non-dairy milk. Whether looking for non-dairy milk alternatives or need coconut milk with a longer shelf life, Wildly Organic has the perfect solution for you. 

Our USDA-certified organic, minimally processed, and vegan-friendly coconut milk powder provides the taste, longevity, and convenience you need to make this item a staple in your pantry. Shop Wildly Organic’s delicious coconut milk powder and get free US shipping over $49.

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