Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers {grain-free, dairy-free}

Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers {grain-free, dairy-free}

Ad for coconut-mango no-bake treats, labeled as allergy-friendly Balls of treats on coconut flakes.

There’s something just too adorable about Mason jar recipes, isn’t there?

They’re not just adorable though…

Small jars are practical for portion control, planning ahead, AND they fit in most electric pressure cookers, like the Instant Pot. Plus, if you don’t have the luxury of air conditioning, the last thing you want is to heat up your kitchen.

These easy Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers tick all the boxes! They’re small, allow you to plan ahead, work in an electric pressure cooker, and cooking them won’t heat up your kitchen!

Make The Most Of Berry Season!

Fresh berries bursting with flavor make the best cobblers.

Berries of all types will be ripening soon, but my favorite blueberries.

Use fresh or frozen berries for this recipe, but I definitely recommend fresh, organic blueberries if you can find them. If your berries are very sweet, feel free to use less coconut sugar.

Grab & Go Snacks!

Fresh out of the pressure cooker, these cute Mason jar berry cobblers are still pretty juicy. As they cool, the juice will thicken slightly into a sauce. They are fabulous warm with a scoop of dairy-free vanilla ice cream.

Feel free to make several to store in the fridge for quick and easy snacks or to pack for a summer picnic or in lunches. They’re delicious cold — either plain or with a dollop of fresh, whipped cream.

Go ahead and have one for breakfast, actually. You’ll get no judgment here!

Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobbler

Customize these Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers to suit everyone’s tastes in your family. Try these combinations:

  • raspberries with toasted almonds
  • blackberries with pistachios
  • strawberries with peanuts
  • leave the nuts out all together if you prefer
  • use a variety of berries for “mixed berry cobblers”
  • add shredded coconut
  • add chia seeds
  • top with ice cream, whipped cream, or yogurt
  • or just eat them with a spoon

Safety First!

The integrity of the glass Mason jars is very important for pressure cooking.

Be sure to use jars that have not been frozen previously. I purchased a new set of half-pint Mason jars and loved the added benefit of portion control with this tasty recipe.

Because I wanted to eat it all up, and so did my kids.

You’ll use the lids and bands, but don’t worry — the lids won’t seal.

Are you excited to try these pressure cooker Mason jar cobblers? How will you customize yours?

Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers
Capture the essence of summer with these cute Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers! Use any berries you like, add toppings like nuts or coconut, and best of all, don't heat up your kitchen with the oven!
    Servings4 servings
    Equipment Needed
    • 4half pint mason jars with lids and bandsmake sure jars have not been previously frozen
    • Pressure Cookersuch as an Instant Pot
    • metal trivet
    Berry Filling
    Topping (gluten/egg/dairy free)
    Optional Add-Ins (Mix or Match)
    Berry Filling
    1. In a small mixing bowl, combine berries, coconut sugar, lemon juice, arrowroot powder, and pinch of salt.
    2. Mix well to thoroughly combine.
    3. Divide evenly into 4 half pint jars and set aside.
    1. In a small mixing bowl, combine almond and coconut flour, coconut sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt, mixing well.
    2. Add melted coconut oil, cutting into flour with a fork until crumbly.
    3. Add nut milk and mix until combined
    4. Add any optional add-ins.
    Make The Cobblers
    1. Divide topping evenly between the 4 mason jars.
    2. Put the lids on each jar and screw on the bands very lightly - just barely finger tight.
    3. To the pressure cooker, add 1 cup water and the trivet.
    4. Place jars into the pressure cooker, leaving space between each jar.
    5. Secure the lid and make sure the vent knob is set to "sealing."
    6. Set the pressure cooker to high pressure and a timer for 15 minutes. (On an Instant Pot this is the Manual setting for 15 minutes.)
    7. When cooking cycle is complete, use Natural Pressure Release for 10 minutes, then open the vent knob to release remaining pressure.
    8. When safe to open the pressure cooker, carefully remove the Mason jars and set them on a cooling rack or towel on your counter.
    9. Unscrew the bands and remove the lids right away and allow to cool until warm (sauce will thicken slightly).
    10. Serve with ice cream, whipped cream, or yogurt (if desired) when still warm or refrigerate for later.

    The post Pressure Cooker Mason Jar Berry Cobblers {grain-free, egg-free, dairy-free} appeared first on Wildly Organic.

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