Wildly Organic's Natural, Clean-Eating Recipes & Blog

Whether you’re new to the healthy eating scene or just looking to craft new meals you and your family will love, Wildly Organic’s clean eating blog focuses on natural ingredients, delicious recipes, and organic DIY ideas that promote healthy nutrition from the inside out. From quick, kid-friendly treats to meal prepping and all-organic recipes, you’ll find a wealth of information right here.

To get started, simply browse around, and find a recipe that speaks to you. We link to the organic ingredients you’ll need, so it’s easy to pick up the essentials, as well as any other items that catch your eye. Dig in!

Everyone has to start their journey somewhere. Our goal at Wildly Organic is to enhance the lives of health-minded folks from all walks of life. Improving your diet can be a daunting process, but our natural-minded blog makes it easier for you. You’ll find that many of our recipes are surprisingly beginner-friendly, even though the results would make any chef smile.

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DIY Balm with Coconut Oil for Dogs Paws

Dogs running outdoor

There’s no telling what your dogs’ feet are exposed to as they’re trudging over various surfaces all day. Concrete, soil, dirt, rocks, sludge, waste...sure. But also chemicals, contaminants, and allergens that are maybe not as evident to the naked eye. Now our pets’ paws are tough, built to sustain them through all manner of environments. But sometimes, even they need some looking after. Rough surfaces and substances can cause their paws to dry up and crack, maybe even bleed. If left unattended, it’s not only uncomfortable for your pal but can lead to infections. 

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Organic Non-Dairy Creamer

Coffee with non-dairy creamer atop coffee beans

Nothing sets you up for the day like that steaming morning cup of coffee. That perfect cup that you can fully indulge in could set the tone for your whole day. However, finding an organic vegan creamer that uses clean, simple ingredients — and that tastes phenomenal — seems next to impossible. We understand the struggle which is why we came up with a solution! Here is a delicious gluten-free non-dairy coffee creamer that you can enjoy, knowing that it’s good for you and for the planet.

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Is Coconut Oil Good or Bad for Cholesterol?

Solid coconut oil

Coconut oil is a versatile ingredient in your kitchen and house and people have found a number of uses for it. It can be helpful for your pets, incorporated into your beauty regimen, and mixed into some delicious healthy treats. In fact, it has recently become a preferred cooking oil for health-conscious families. In large part, this is down to the many claims around its health benefits, including coconut oil’s impact on cholesterol levels, weight-loss and so on. There tends to be a fair amount of back and forth regarding this and research isn’t definitive. It certainly offers some health benefits vis-a-vis other cooking oils, such as soybean or sunflower. However, in this blog, we’ll simplify some of the information surrounding coconut oil and help you understand its impact on your health.

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Why Are Activated Almonds Better?

Activated almonds

The almond is one of nature’s little wonders. Technically the “seed” of a tree, it’s filled with nutritious goodness and considered a superfood even. An ounce of almonds contains 180 calories, six grams of protein, 14 grams of heart-friendly fat and as much calcium as a ¼ cup of milk. Almonds help lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the body and are packed with magnesium, potassium and vitamin E. They help nutrients and oxygen move freely within the blood and are generally good for the heart.  

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How Long Do Nuts Last? Tips for Storing Nuts and Seeds

A variety of nuts and seeds spilled from glass jars

Packed with essential nutrients, heart-healthy fats, and cancer-fighting fiber, nuts and seeds are the ultimate superfoods. You can eat these crunchy treats alone as snacks, sprinkle them on your morning cereal, or add them to simple recipes to make gourmet meals. Nuts are nutrient-dense and versatile, making them among the most expensive yet versatile foods in the world.

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Homemade Sunscreen Recipe with Coconut Oil

 A heart drawn on white sunblock cream rubbed on skin

It’s summertime again and you know what that means ⏤ lots of fun in the sun! Sunspots, wrinkles, and cancer are not fun though, so you should slather on the sunscreen to protect your skin while outdoors. Yes, I know. Wearing sunscreen can be a dread. A third of Americans don’t wear sunscreen because it irritates their eyes and skin.

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What is the Whole30® Diet? A Beginner’s Guide

Sliced steak with asparagus and cherry tomatoes on a white plate

Keto, Paleo, Mediterranean, alkaline, macrobiotic ⏤ it seems like there’s a new fad diet popping up every few weeks. And now you’re here asking, “what is the Whole30® diet?” Founded in 2009, Whole30® is not really a diet plan but a month-long clean-eating program that eliminates certain food groups which could harm the body, thereby improving your health.

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Easy Meal Plan: 8 Tips to Simplify Your Meal Planning

A blue plate with white text blocks on top reading “Meal Plan”

It’s 5:00 PM and dinnertime stress starts to kick in. Your hungry children run around the kitchen asking what’s for dinner as you rummage through the fridge and pantry cabinets looking for ingredients to put something on the table. Overwhelmed and frustrated, you order Chinese takeout instead and then feel guilty for feeding your family greasy fast food.

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