Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup | Lower GI | Wildly Organic

Is Coconut Syrup The New Maple Syrup?

 A bottle of Wildly Organic Coconut Syrup alongside a spoonful of nectar

What is your favorite sweetener? Maple syrup, honey, molasses, or just plain old sugar? There's no shortage of sweeteners in today's marketplace. If you're trying to avoid white sugar, read about the Seven Natural Sweeteners That Are Healthier Than Refined Sugar. Among those seven healthy sweeteners, you will find sugar-free coconut syrup, which we will cover in-depth in this article and explain why it is superior to maple syrup.

Before discovering coconut nectar syrup, maple syrup was my favorite natural sweetener. Maple syrup comes from nature and is full of antioxidants and trace minerals. Yet, sourcing high-quality and organic maple syrup may have you spending more money than your budget allows. Not to mention maple syrup’s high glycemic index, which means it can cause undesirable spikes in blood sugar.

What's Wrong With Other Natural Sweeteners?

Unlike sugar-free coconut syrup, other natural sweeteners have a higher glycemic index as they have more simple sugars. A growing body of science is linking a high sugar diet to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, and heart disease. So, when it comes to selecting which natural sweetener you use, keep in mind:

  • the source and quality of the sweetener
  • how much you're eating; eating tablespoons of any sweetener on a regular basis will impact your health negatively, no matter how "natural" it is
  • the types of sugars in the sweetener; fructose, sucrose, etc.

Natural sweeteners like maple syrup and honey can be troublesome for those who struggle with FODMAPS because both are relatively high in fructose. When consumed in moderation and alongside a well-balanced, nutrient-dense diet, natural sweeteners aren't an issue for most. Unless you've sworn off sugar for life, then sugar-free coconut syrup may be the extra little sweetness you can enjoy as part of your healthy lifestyle.

Coconut Nectar Syrup: Better Than Maple Syrup?

 A clear glass jar containing golden brown syrup alongside a wooden spoon

Although maple syrup was a favorite sweetener of mine for a long time, I've since discovered another equally amazing ⏤ if not better ⏤ sweetener. Let me introduce a new alternative that will fill a gaping hole in your life you probably didn't know you had.

Sugar-free coconut syrup! I like to say coconut syrup combines the best characteristics of maple syrup and molasses. It is also a healthier alternative to maple syrup’s high glycemic index. With a natural caramel flavor, it's a wonderful addition to every whole food kitchen.

Is Coconut Syrup The New Maple Syrup?

Coconut syrup is made similarly to maple syrup ⏤ by tapping the coconut tree to release the sap. Then, the sap is heated and water evaporates, yielding a delightfully concentrated syrup. Wildly Organic's Coconut Syrup has a rich, buttery, caramel-like flavor and a maple syrup-like consistency. So, why is sugar-free coconut syrup the new maple syrup?

1. Lower Glycemic Index Than Maple Syrup

Coconut nectar syrup is a wonderful low GI sweetener, making it a superior alternative to maple syrup’s high glycemic index. It has a GI rating of only 35 compared to 54 of maple syrup. Foods with a lower glycemic index will have a less drastic effect on your blood sugar levels.

2. Rich in Minerals

Coconut trees are often grown in rich volcanic soils where the roots are able to draw an abundance of nutrients up from the ground. As a result, these nutrients are transferred to the coconut syrup. Sugar-free coconut syrup contains high amounts of potassium, magnesium, zinc, and iron as well as 17 different amino acids.

3. Prebiotics

One of the lesser-known benefits of coconut nectar syrup is that it contains low amounts of fructose. Its sugars are primarily in the form of polysaccharide inulin, a well-known prebiotic fiber that aids in digestion. Alongside probiotics, your body also needs prebiotics to feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract and create healthy flora.

4. Coconut Syrup Is Unrefined & Never Chemically Treated

Nectar from coconut blossoms is naturally quite sweet, so only gentle heating is needed to produce the concentrated sugar-free coconut syrup. Besides its relatively high glycemic index, maple syrup is often heated to high temperatures in order to achieve the high levels of sugar concentration needed to achieve a syrup. Low heating helps preserve the naturally occurring enzymes found in coconut syrup.

How To Use Coconut Syrup?

Drizzling golden brown syrup on a waffle

You can use sugar-free coconut syrup in any recipe that calls for maple syrup, honey, or sugar as an equivalent replacement. Coconut nectar syrup is wonderful drizzled over pancakes, ice cream, waffles, or porridge. Coconut syrup is great to use in homemade granola and as a natural sweetener in cookies. Try these delicious recipes with Wildly Organic's Coconut Syrup:

Shop Wildly Organic’s Sugar-Free Coconut Syrup

Plain sugar is not only devoid of beneficial nutrients but it’s also responsible for many modern diseases. Natural sweeteners can be a healthier alternative to table sugar, but honey and maple syrup’s high glycemic index can make frequent consumption problematic for people with diabetes or other health conditions.

If you want a healthier natural sweetener with a lower glycemic index and more nutrients, sugar-free coconut syrup is the sweetener you need. With a delicious caramel-like, buttery flavor and maple syrup’s thick consistency, coconut nectar syrup can be used on any food to enhance its flavor while keeping your blood sugar in check. Shop now for our “taste of the islands” coconut nectar and get free US shipping on orders over $49.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Wildly Organic is an independent source for wholesome, organic foods and natural, raw foods and ingredients, the building blocks of a healthy life.