23 Vegan-Friendly Pantry Staples {from baking to snacking!}

Once considered a way of life for only the most extreme, left-wing animal activists, veganism has since taken root in a far more diverse crowd of advocates. A recent report reveals that 6% of Americans now identify as vegans. This equates to a 600% increase in popularity for the vegan diet since 2014. It seems the vegan diet is here to stay. While Wildly Organic doesn't advocate for any one diet modality, we encourage you to experiment, explore, and figure out what works best for their health.
What Is A Vegan Diet?
Veganism is considered a lifestyle choice that espouses a set of ethical standards which forgos the use or consumption of animal products for any purpose. This extends the philosophy into all areas of life (beyond just dietary choices) to include cruelty-free beauty products, household cleaning products, clothing and accessories -- in other words, everything. For most people, a vegan lifestyle may be a little too extreme and completely inconvenient at times. Yet, we live in the 21st century, and the marketplace for vegan products is forever expanding. From a dietary perspective, there is definitely an increased drive to consume a more plant-based diet. Although the reasons for adopting a vegan diet are varied, for a society at large that doesn't eat enough fresh food, eating more vegetables in general is certainly encouraged. There's no need to get too fancy when it comes to stocking your pantry with vegan-friendly alternatives. To make life easier, here's an easy reference list of Wildly Organic's vegan-friendly pantry staples!Cooking Oils
Despite a resurgence of a more traditional approach to eating thanks to the Paleo gang, it's still quite rare these days for most families to be cooking with animals fats. As cheap vegetable oils flood the market, it's easy to get lost in the frenzy of what constitutes healthy, vegan-friendly cooking fats. Thankfully, Wildly Organic stocks a wide range of perfectly suitable options -- truly healthful cooking oils that are suitable for vegans and and omnivores alike.Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is a trusty favorite that spans dietary preferences (unless, of course, you're allergic to coconut). You really can't go wrong with coconut oil! One thing to consider as an ethical vegan is that all coconut oils aren't created equally. With coconut oil's growing popularity, it's warranted to be concerned with the ethical standards of the brand you choose for coconut oil. Wildly Organic carries a range of quality, ethically produced coconut oils for all your vegan cooking needs: Expeller Pressed, Cold-Pressed, and Centrifuge-Extracted. If you're not sure which coconut oil meets your needs, check out our post Decoding Coconut Oil Labels: The Different Types Of Coconut Oil.Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Nothing dresses up a salad like a generous dash of Wildly Organic's Extra Virgin Olive Oil. As a vegan, it’s important to source high quality and organic olive oil to make sure you aren’t consuming a rancid oil that may cause inflammation in the body. Our 100% pure olive oil shines in vegan recipes like this Clean-Eating Olive Oil & Coconut Vinegar Massaged Kale Salad!Red Palm Oil
Don't freak out about seeing the words 'palm oil' in a post about vegan-friendly cooking oils yet! Yes, the palm oil industry has a terrible record for destroying orangutan habitats. However, Wildly Organic's Red Palm Oil is unlike these. It's sustainably harvested to RSPO-certified standards from a small plantation off the coast of Malaysia where orangutan habitat is not threatened. Try our sustainably sourced red palm oil in this vegan Kabocha Squash Soup!Organic Sesame Seed Oil
Perfect for light sauteeing or dressing Asian-flavored dishes, sesame seed oil should be a staple in everyone's pantry -- vegan or not!Popcorn Oil
Vegans rejoice! There's a butter alternative for popcorn that means you don't need to miss out! Meet Wildly Organic's Popcorn Oil. Made using a blend of our sustainably sourced Red Palm Oil and Organic Coconut Oil, you might even say it's even better than butter. Once you've popped your popcorn in our Popcorn Oil, give one of our 5 Better-Than-The-Movies Popcorn Seasoning Blends a try!Sweeteners
While honey is out of the question as a vegan-friendly sweetener, there are plenty of vegan alternatives. You'll have no trouble adding some sweetness to your life. :)
Coconut Syrup
Maple syrup may be a staple for many vegans, but there's a new kid on the block: Wildly Organic's Coconut Syrup! Read Why Coconut Syrup Is The New Maple Syrup to learn why. Then, give our Coconut Syrup a try in yummy vegan recipes such as Coconut Butter & Vanilla Bean Fruit Dip, Dairy-Free Salted Caramel Mocha, Paleo Apple-Cranberry Crisp, and Family-Style Pad Thai!Coco Monkey
Wildly Organic’s Coco Monkey Sweetener is an all natural, organic, low-calorie, and low-carb sweetener. It contains inulin (a prebiotic fiber), freeze-dried coconut water (coconut water and tapioca starch), and monk fruit extract. Learn more about this guilt-free sweetener, what it is, and how to use it. Without the artificial aftertaste of many sugar-free sweeteners, Coco Monkey can be used in baking and to sweeten hot or cold drinks. It’s perfect for sweetening drinks — such as coffee, cold or hot tea, hot cocoa or white hot chocolate, homemade electrolyte drinks, and detox drinks. It’s also lovely sprinkled over fruit or added to fruit salads. Because less Coco Monkey is required to achieve the same sweetness as sugar, less is used in baking recipes. For instance, 2/3 to 3/4 cup Coco Monkey may be substituted for each cup of sugar in a baked recipe. However, you may need to adjust the wet ingredients in your recipe to make up for the loss of bulk.Coconut Sugar
There is some controversy over the sustainability of harvesting coconut sap sugar. Collecting coconut sap is NOT harmful to the coconut palm trees and does NOT affect coconut oil or coconut milk production. Once a coconut palm tree becomes a “sap tree”, coconuts for oil and milk are no longer collected from the tree. Coconut trees can be tapped 10 years (or more!) with no harm done to the trees (source). Not only is coconut sugar a healthier alternative to regular, refined cane sugar, it also make a great face exfoilator! Use it as a substitute for refined cane sugar and brown sugar in any recipe, and give it a try in your morning cup of coffee!Chocolate Syrup
Made from raw cacao powder and raw agave syrup, Wildly Organic's Chocolate Syrup is the perfect excuse to have more vegan pancakes or ice cream in your life. Or anything that requires chocolate syrup! Our Chocolate Syrup is Fair Trade certified and is so thick and rich -- more like fudge than syrup! Perfect for eating straight off the spoon!Grain-Free, Gluten-Free Flours
Coconut Milk Powder
With the array of dairy-free milk alternatives on the market, you shouldn't have any trouble finding something that you like. Unfortunately, most purchased cartons of dairy-free milks contain a host of additives to achieve shelf-stability and a thicker consistency. Take a moment to read the ingredient list next time you're in the supermarket! This is why Wildly Organic's Coconut Milk Powder is a great addition to your vegan pantry. Here are 4 more reasons why it may become your new favorite dairy-free milk.Spreads & Butters
Despite being vegan, you'll likely want to steer clear of many of the vegan butters and spreads on supermarket shelves. Most of them contain cheap vegetable oils. Remember -- just because it's vegan doesn't mean it's healthy!Cacao Butter
If you're serious about making amazing vegan chocolate that tastes like the real deal, then Wildly Organic's Raw Cacao Butter needs to be a staple in your vegan pantry. Give this vegan-friendly Superfood White Chocolate Bark or these White Chocolate Almond Truffles a go and tell me they're not as good as guilt-free treats get!
Coconut Butter
For all your other raw vegan treats or just eating as a quick snack straight from the jar, Wildly Organic's Coconut Butter is a necessity. Here are 11 magical ways you can use coconut butter.Almond Butter
Almond butter has become a household favorite as an alternative to peanut butter. Not only are peanut allergies on the rise, peanuts can easily carry mycotoxins which can wreak havoc on your health (source). Get your hands on a high quality almond butter, like Wildly Organic's Soaked & Dried Almond Butter, or try making it yourself. Then have a go making these vegan-friendly Almond Joy Bars and see for yourself why almond butter trumps peanut butter.Baking
For traditionalists, vegan baking may sound like an oxymoron. After all, how can you bake a cake without eggs and butter?! Yet, for one reason or another, many are experimenting with substitutes for just about everything a traditional cake recipe calls for. If you're avoiding animal products, you'll have no trouble finding vegan-friendly recipes for all your favorite treats!High Quality Salt
If you're eating a super clean vegan diet of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, then it is quite possible you may not be consuming enough trace minerals in your diet. Adding a pinch of Wildly Organic's high quality Himalayan Salt to your baking and cooking will not only create a burst of flavor, it will ensure you're getting important minerals in your diet. Learn the problems with iodized table salt and why you need to use mineral-rich salts here.Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are an excellent way for vegans to get a whole range of important nutrients into their diet, including Omega 3s. They make a great substitute for eggs where recipes call for binding agents. Here are 5 reasons to keep this ancient superfood in your pantry.